Can You Name These 1960s TV Shows?

TV in 1960s America was very different from what it is today. How much do you remember about the shows from the '60s? Enjoy this trip into the past as we quiz your memory!
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On Nov 1, 2020
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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

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What was the name of this TV show?

Questions left
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On Nov 18, 2021