Which Animal Are You Like When You Fall In Love?

Are you more like a penguin or an otter when it comes to romance?

Jacob Sloane
Created by Jacob Sloane
On Nov 7, 2015

Which of these qualities are you attracted to the most?

Do you think it's important to be friends with someone before you date them?

Which of these do you think is the most important?

How highly do you rate physical attraction?

What turns you off in a partner?

Which do you rate more highly?

What is your ideal first date?

What are your views on PDA?

Do you express your love through gifts?

Do you believe you have one true love, or is there more than one person out there for you?



Penguins are the most affectionate animals in the dating world, snuggling together for warmth throughout the cold, hard winters of their life. They express their love constantly, often dancing from joy at the sight of their other half. So, like the penguin you’re totally comfortable expressing your affection towards the person you like, and you expect the person you’re with to do the same. Penguins are monogamous, and, like you, they stay with their partners for their entire lives.

Rifle Birds

Rifle Birds

Like the Rifle Bird, you’re incredibly attracted to peoples’ physical appearances, and similarly concerned about your own. You're proud to be one half of a beautiful couple. Once you've settled into a relationship with someone, you're less fussed about being gorgeous all the time, but you're reassured to know you have the option! Male Rifle Birds attract their mates by performing an elaborate ritual dance while their potential partner checks them out - so this might be something to look out for - or try - on the dancefloor!



You’re a Lovebird, this means you’re romantic, faithful and utterly monogamous. Lovebirds do everything together - and you never get bored of each other's company. Like the Lovebird, you are fiercely loyal and you would do anything for your partner.



Like Otters, you’re attracted to someone you can have fun with. Your SO isn’t just your partner, they’re your best friend and your life-partner in crime. Otters eat, sleep and rest together - they even hold hands while floating down the river so they don’t lose each other. When you’re dating, you look for someone who wants to spend all their time with you, and vice versa.

Bower bird

Bower bird

Bower Birds attract their partners by building them a home to prove that they are reliable mates, and they decorate it with trinkets and leaves. Like them, you express your feelings through gifts and acts of service - there’s nothing that makes you happier than finding the perfect present for the person you’re dating.. Your warmhearted generous spirit makes you an excellent partner.

Lar Gibbons

Lar Gibbons

Like the Lar Gibbons, you are an extremely caring being who is always looking out for your partner and putting them first. You enjoy these little acts of selflessness and it is something that makes you attractive to others too, they definitely don't go unnoticed. Your genuine kindness is an unrivalled quality that makes you very attractive as a partner.

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