What Are The Benefits of Recycling Printer Cartridges?

Created by John (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 6, 2019
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Printer recycling not only beneficial for the environment but also help to save money. Therefore, many business concerns who knows the harmful effects of land filling prefer to recycle their ink or toner cartridge. Sincere printer owner’s, this initiative helps in saving the environment and reducing the level of non-biodegradable resources. Many well-renowned cartridge owners also provide their customers with a prepaid label to send back their used cartridge. They also offer heavy discount on their next cartridge purchase from recycling.

The list is not ended here, we have some more benefits of recycling printer cartridge. Here we have:

  • Environmental Benefits

Most people do not know the picture behind manufacturing printer cartridges. Therefore, without worrying about the cartridge’s environmental impact they prefer to replace it with a new one. But, it’s the biggest blunder that many printer owners do with their single time used cartridges. Just have a look at the resources used to produce single cartridge:

  • 1-gallon oil
  • Plastic
  • Metal
  • The material used in making ink or toners

Throwing them all for land filling is easy, it takes 1000 years to one cartridge to decompose. Just image with the high numbers of the printer and cartridges usage, how many printers cartridges will be disposed of in one day, month, year and many more years. 

On the other side, the life of the cartridge can be three to four-time even sometimes more. If you use your cartridge by refilling up to its maximum life you can save all the above resources multiply number of times you used cartridge 

Every owner desires to get perfect print quality as of the original printer cartridges. Therefore, they can refill ink or toner printer cartridge with original products. Using original ink or toner cartridge is like a win-win solution for both user and environment. 

  • Boost Employment Rate

Recycling has the best part that it helps in boosting the employment rate. Let me tell you how. Recycling helps in opening new recycling centers in every city and state. Therefore, a high number of people will be required in collecting, storing, and transporting the cartridge from recycling centres to the main destination. In short, you need to hire employees for every post and stage. 

In another way, recycling also provides opportunities for small business concerns. They open their business and provides re manufactured ink or toner cartridge to customers. Due to cartridge’s re manufacturing, they can offer ink cartridge at the lowest rate. This benefits the business concerns and printer users. 

  • Build a Brand Image 

Recycling means your business is concerned about the environment. Therefore, in order to save the environment for the future generation, you are recycling and reusing your printer ink cartridges. You can also use this money for some noble cause that helps to build your brand goodwill. There are many organisations that work orphanages, run home for senior citizens, providing free books and education to needy, shaking hands with them to offer your used printer cartridge will help them to raise fund. They can do better for associated people and society. 

  • Cost-cutting

Recycling has another advantage that you can reduce your printer cartridge cost. First, buying refilling ink or toner is cheaper than purchasing a brand new original printer cartridge. You can save almost four to six times cost than buying every time a new cartridge. On the other side, many big brands buybacks their original empty cartridge. This will help them to manufacture less new and reducing overall business cost. Ultimately, your recycled ink cartridge serves you with future reduce cost-benefit and save land filling. 

  • Save Water And Energy

In the manufacturing of the new cartridge, plastic, metal, oil, and many other non-biodegradable materials are used. There is no industry either small or big can run without water and energy. Therefore, taking help from a recycled cartridge will enable you to save all resources. With these, land filling also affect our land and water that recycling helps to save. 

  • Gifting Build Image In Society

There is another option of using your used printer cartridge. You can gift it to someone who is looking for an old cartridge. This someone can be from your friends or know. This option is best if you make up your mind to buy a new cartridge. In this case, throwing old cartridge for land filling is a complete waste of resources and money. Gifting to needy build your image in their eyes and in society.

  • No Compatibility Issue

As recycled cartridges are created from old one either by refilling or re manufacturing. In both cases, your old cartridge was familiar with your printer. Hence, it will not create any issue while working next time after refilling. If you found some issue you can easily rectify by reinstalling or changing minor printer settings. But, recycling is safe from all ends for your pocket, printer and environment.

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