Which Gemstone represents you?

Every gemstone has a meaning-what if the meaning was YOU?

India Kumari Bamrah
Created by India Kumari Bamrah (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 15, 2015

What do you value most in life?

Choose a title...

Choose a colour...

You are a strong character...

Risky or safe?

Day or night?

When you go out you feel...

Favourite season?

You see the _ in people...

Your soul mate would be...

Rose quartz

Rose quartz

You're sweet, rosy and bright. You love nature, and you're always glowing pink with laughter. Your loving air makes you irresistible.

Tigers eye

Tigers eye

You're feisty, fierce and beautiful. You have a golden glow about you and have complete focus-eye of the tiger! Your strength and determination will get you there.



You're a free, emerald spirit. Bright and mysterious, you are the malachite. You have a determined nature that pushes you forwards to the finish line.



A gorgeous, complicated mix of happy pink, sad blue and neutral white. Your feelings are all over the place and you never seem to know how to react, but that won't stop you being strong when you need to be.



You're mysterious, sharp minded and quiet-but inside there's a beautiful creature that sometimes shows. You have a shyness about you that makes the rare moments you show your inner self a wonder to watch.



You're a happy blue jewel, optimistic and likes to party-let the music set you free! You are a strong character that won't let a little sadness stop you doing what you want!

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