Which Disney Character Is Your Spirit Animal?

Is there a movie character that totally speaks to your soul? Take this quiz to find out which member of Disney's animated animal kingdom you connect with most.

Created by Hollywood.com
On Feb 3, 2016

A spooky old house has been abandoned for almost a decade. People say it's haunted. Your natural reaction is to...

As a kid you were...

Describe your ideal relationship.

You express yourself through which form of art?

On a magical island you get one meal to eat over and over again for the rest of your life. You pick...

________ is your biggest pet peeve.

Which of the following statements mean the most to you?

How would you describe your closest posse?

Your spirit animal is Simba!

Your spirit animal is Simba!

Hakuna Matata means NO worries...and you're totally carefree. Words to describe you are playful, brave and just a little mischievous. You also pride yourself in being a natural born leader!

Your spirit animal is Marie!

Your spirit animal is Marie!

As Marie would say, "Ladies don't start fights...but they can finish them!" You may be prim and proper but you're OH SO SASSY. This adorable kitty is most definitely your spirit animal.

Your spirit animal is Dory!

Your spirit animal is Dory!

Though others might think you're all over the place, you're one of the most loyal and honest friends. Your motto in life is to "just keep swimming!" Don't forget it.

Your spirit animal is Bambi!

Your spirit animal is Bambi!

You're quiet, reserved and curious. Like Bambi you may seem shy at first, but you're full of great potential. Channel your inner Bambi and become the strong leader that you're meant to be!

Your spirit animal is Gus Gus!

Your spirit animal is Gus Gus!

Like Gus Gus you love food. Second to a delicious meal you value kindness and helping others. You're a trustworthy and loyal friend.

Your spirit animal is Eeyore!

Your spirit animal is Eeyore!

Don't be blue....Your spirit animal is Eeyore. You may be introverted but you're a thinker who likes to contemplate the deep and philosophical things in life.

Your spirit animal is Ratatouille!

Your spirit animal is Ratatouille!

Though your spirit animal may be tiny, he has a BIG heart. You're ambitious, passionate, creative and could probably be quite the cook if you channeled your inner-Ratatouille!

Your spirit animal is Tod!

Your spirit animal is Tod!

Bravery is your strong suit! You value friendship, loyalty and never want to let anyone down. Embrace your adorable spirit animal!

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021