4 Cannabis Festivals That Influenced The Masses

Henry Johnson
Created by Henry Johnson (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 18, 2018
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Cannabis, the miracle plant has always been in the shackles of legal chains and has never been applauded with a complete sense of gratitude. There’s always someone protesting its benefits with purely conditional assumptions of abuse which is usually the informed choice of the individuals.
However, whatever freedom of cannabis consumption we are enjoying today is because of the thousands of people stood against the norms created by the government bodies. Of course, there were individual advocates, mostly lawyers, who turned the tables around using documented CBD oil benefits but in the success saga of semi-legal cannabis status, what’s missing is the successful execution of cannabis events since decades.
The legal ‘weed parties’ with approved cannabis consumption requires a ‘cannabis events license’ but back in the day when cannabis was not yet legalized, such gatherings were a medium to protest against the government’s ban on the herb. Some of these cannabis events had a game-changing impact with respect to cannabis knowledge, sharing of positive experiences, and connecting with the cannabis community.
We will discuss 6 such cannabis festivals which left an imprint on the history of cannabis legalization:

1. Smoke-in: Washington DC

What better way is there to show the displeasure towards the law, in fact, defy the law than to organize the event in a park across the White House?
Yes, the Yippies started a tradition of organizing cannabis event in the 1960s every 4th of July!
The Yippies were steered by some of the known political jesters like Paul Krassner, Abbie Hoffman, and Jerry Rubin during the 60s and 70s. A number of people backed their protests against the Vietnam War, cannabis prohibition, capitalism, and more.
They led the initiative of lighting a joint on 4th of July in the Lafayette Park defying the laws for cannabis. The reason they were able to execute this event was their strategy of recruiting people who supported the cause in large numbers.
The local police bodies couldn’t process the lawbreakers who were present in this extravagant number and had to let them go.
This event continued to happen until 1982 when Ronald Reagan became the president. He strategically helped the park to be reserved by the anti-cannabis groups before the Yippies could and that’s how this even saw its demise.
But because of such events, the residents of Washington D.C became aware of the benefits of pure CBD oil which ultimately made the state one of the first ones to legalize recreational use of cannabis.

2. Boston Freedom Rally: Massachusetts

Boston Freedom Rally has seen an eventual growth since its first rally in 1989 which took place in North Adams. The venue of the rally changed every year as the number of attendants increased from North Adams to a dock beside the USS Constitution followed by Massachusetts State House and finally the current location, Boston Commons.
The current scenario allows Boston Freedom Rally to celebrate the essence of cannabis freely for three days letting the people indulge in the variety of cannabis that vendors present, music, speakers, etc while consuming the herb.
But was it always this easy?
This rally is being organized for almost 30 years now but before the conditional legalization of cannabis, things were pretty tight. During the course of 30 years, the activists who organized this event had to sue the city of Boston 6 times for the permit of organizing this educational rally.
The city definitely had no interest in this event but the people loved it and the organizers brought a lot of money to the city through this event and therefore there wasn’t anything particular that bothered the city except the biased dislike.
The event still draws thousands of people and with the quality of cannabis knowledge we have today, this event is definitely influencing the masses in the right way.

3. Cannafest: Prague, Czech Republic

Although this is not one of the age-old events that portray a drastic upholding, it does have a significant impact on the entire cannabis industry.
Cannafest is an international event, trade-show of cannabis and herbs to be more specific, being hosted in the Czech Republic for seven years now. From a local event, it has turned into one of the most attended international cannabis events.
Almost 250 vendors attend this festival and more than 25,000 enthusiasts witness the grandeur of Cannafest. A series of events, educational classes, meetings with scientists, researchers, and growers, etc. are hosted at this festival with the sole purpose of expanding the people’s perspective on cannabis.
Cannafest and the activists that host as well as lead this event are stirring the mindsets of Eastern Europeans who usually showcase a constricted approach towards the herb.
Regardless of this event’s recent inception, it has changed the terms of cannabis legalization in a responsible way. Cannabis is still illegal there but the wave of change has reached the Eastern Europe via Cannafest.

4. Hash Bash: Michigan

I wouldn’t say that it all started with the arrest of John Sinclair, a poet, writer, and more importantly, a political activist in 1969 but it did with his release.
John Sinclair was targeted because of his political beliefs by two undercover police officers. They took months to get into his inner circle and when they did, John handed them two joints which led to his arrest followed by a 10-year sentence.
To bring the unfairness of the incidence to light, John Lennon, the Beatle, wrote a song about him, ‘Free John Now’. In December 1971, the ex-Beatle held a benefit concert after three days of which John Sinclair was released from prison.
Hash Bash was organized in the following April at the University of Michigan Diag in Ann Arbor which were both, a celebration of John Sinclair’s release and an appeal to stay tight on the prohibition laws.

With the organization of Hash Bash every year, Michigan has not only made the laws lenient, the people have become aware of their rights and the aspect of benefits from cannabis. Hash Bash is still being celebrated on the same grounds of the university marking the legendary inception by John Sinclair.
These are the prime cannabis festivals that changed the view of the masses gradually and are still doing so. The work of these enthusiasts has made it possible for us to buy the best CBD supplements without any legal breach. You, I, and each one of the adults can get CBD supplement capsules, oils, edibles, etc. from CBD manufacturers easily via the online portals.

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