Which Driving Personality Are You?

According to research, there are seven different driving personalities on the UK's roads. Which one are you? Take the quiz to find out.

Created by Goodyear (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

The car in front of you is moving at a snail's pace. What do you do?

You see a car zooming up behind you, winding its way through traffic. How do you react?

Someone cuts in front of you without any signal or warning. How do you react?

Driving on the motorway, a driver is hogging the middle lane and not moving. How do you react?

A car speeds up behind you and flashes their lights to get you to move. How do you react?

The Teacher

The Teacher

You love to make sure other drivers are aware of what they've done wrong, and you especially enjoy being the one to tell them. You may even expect some recognition for your effort "teaching" others.

Piece of advice: Yes, you may know more than others about the rules of the road, but you don’t need to teach everyone – it might put you at risk.

The Know-It-All

The Know-It-All

You think you are surrounded by incompetent fools and content yourself with shouting (condescendingly) at other drivers from the safety of your own car.

Piece of advice: Cool off a bit. All you are doing is increasing your own stress levels.

The Competitor

The Competitor

You often need to get ahead of all other drivers and gets annoyed when someone else gets in the way of that. You may accelerate when someone is trying to overtake you or close the gap in front of you to prevent someone from squeezing in.

Piece of advice: The road is not a racetrack, you're endangering yourself and others. Take a deep breath, you'll get where you're going. Always stay safe.

The Punisher

The Punisher

You tend to enjoy punishing other drivers for any perceived misbehavior. Admit it, sometimes you kinda wish you could get out of your car and show them how you would deal with them!

Piece of advice: Tone it down and take it easy. Acting like a bully won't help the situation.

The Philosopher

The Philosopher

You accept misbehavior easily and often find yourself trying to rationally explain it. You manage to control your feelings and temper quite well when you are driving.

Piece of advice: Well done! No advice needed – you have a great way of dealing with frustrations on the road. Keep it up!

The Avoider

The Avoider

You stay out of the way of those you perceive to be bad drivers, dismissing them as a hazard.

Piece of advice: It’s a good strategy to avoid reckless drivers. Keep it up, and don’t let yourself get too frustrated!

The Escapee

The Escapee

You blast your music or talk on the phone to insulate yourself. You distract yourself with select social relationships so you don't have to relate with any other drivers on the road. It's also a strategy to avoid getting frustrated in the first place.

Piece of advice: Music is a great way to keep calm under pressure. Remember, if you are going to be on the phone, be sure to use a hands-free option, don’t get distracted, and for goodness sake never text.

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