How Well Do You Remember A Christmas Story?

You'll shoot your eye out . . . if you can't remember this holiday classic.

Gary Jones
Created by Gary Jones
On Nov 21, 2015
1 / 13

What is the name of the actor who played Ralphie?

2 / 13

What does Ralphie want for Christmas?

3 / 13

Who gets their tongue stuck to a frozen pole?

4 / 13

Who breaks the leg lamp?

5 / 13

Who gave Ralphie his pink bunny outfit?

6 / 13

Who do these dogs belong to?

7 / 13

What year was the film released?

8 / 13

What does Ralphie nickname is air rifle?

9 / 13

What type of dare is the most serious?

10 / 13

In what state does the film take place?

11 / 13

What songs do the cooks at the Chinese restaurant sing for Christmas dinner?

12 / 13

What is the yellow-eyed bully’s name?

13 / 13

What language does Ralphie’s father think the word “Fragile" is?

Questions left
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