Looking At These Images Will Determine If You Have One Of These 8 Phobias

Your reactions to the follow images will tell you exactly what phobia you have! Take this quiz to discover your deepest fears...

Felix Stablum
Created by Felix Stablum (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 7, 2016

How do you feel about the picture?

How do you feel about the picture?

How do you feel about the picture?



You have Arachnophobia, the irrational fear of spiders! How you reacted to each of the pictures reveals your deepest fear of SPIDERS. There's nothing worse you could imagine than waking up covered in SPIDERS!



You have Ophidiophobia, the irrational fear of snakes! Your reaction to all of the pictures in this quiz reveals a deep dear of those terrifying reptiles that crawl on their bellies: SNAKES! You couldn't imagine anything worse than a pit full of slithering SNAKES!



You have Acrophobia, the irrational fear of heights and falling! Based on your reaction to the images in this quiz there is not doubt that you're absolutely terrified of heights. You couldn't imagine anything worse than standing on the ledge of a skyscraper, looking down!



You have Mysophobia, the irrational fear of contamination and germs! Based on how you reacted to these images, you are the ultimate germophobe! You strive for cleanliness in your life and always maintain a healthy environment for yourself. There's nothing more terrifying for you than between stuck in a dirty bathroom with someone sneezing all over you!

Social Phobia

Social Phobia

You have social phobia! Based on how your reacted to the images in this quiz, you clearly have deep social anxiety. Despite being a perfectly intelligent and confident person, you find yourself terrified of awkward social interactions. There are few things that you fear more than social interactions!



You have Aquaphobia, the irrational fear of water and drowning! There is no doubt, based on your reactions to the images in this quiz, that your deepest fear is drowning. You think twice before swimming and you would never go sailing. No matter how irrational you know that your fear is, you just can't get over it! You and water were simply not meant to be!



You have Agateophobia, or the irrational fear of going insane. Based on how you reacted to the images in this quiz, there is no doubt that you deepest fear is "loosing it" to your inner psychological demons. You constantly overthink things and you easily get lost in second-guessing yourself. Nothing terrifies you more than the thought of going mad!



You have Autophobia, the irrational fear of being alone. You quite simply cannot be alone with yourself! You love people and you need constant social interaction. The idea of spending a Saturday night alone terrifies you. You're constantly on your phone, texting, calling friends or meeting up with people just to avoid being alone with yourself for too long! You have Autophobia!

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