Try And Hit The Right Notes With This Music Theory Quiz

You know your scores, but can you get a good score on this one?

Faye Remedios
Created by Faye Remedios
On Jun 1, 2022
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Do you know the difference between a pitch and a tone or tell a B-flat minor from an A-flat major? Well, then it’s time to test your musical chops with this music theory test. 

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The founder of what is now considered the standard music staff was _______.

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The music staff, or stave, is made up of ___ horizontal lines.

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Western music typically uses _____ notes. 

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The bass clef is also known as the ___ clef.

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A crotchet quarter note usually represents ___ .

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Notes which are twice as fast as crotchets are called _____.

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A semiquaver is equal to a quarter of a crotchet.

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A dot makes a note (or rest) longer by ____. 

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A tie connects two notes of a different pitch and tells the player to play the two notes smoothly. 

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An accidental placed on the first of two tied notes also applies to the second tied note, even if the two notes are separated by a bar line.

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The scale of D major has ____ sharps.

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The F major scale doesn't have any sharps, but it has one flat.

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The distance between two notes which are played together at the same time is called a ____ interval.

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When the notes of a chord are played _______, it is called an arpeggio. 

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_______ means very loud.

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_________ means gradually getting quieter.

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_______ means play the note short and detached.

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Fermata means hold on to the note for some time longer than the real value of the note.

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________ means held back.

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Double sharps raise the pitch of a note by two tones.

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The ________ is 5 notes lower than the tonic.

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3/2, 3/4, 3/8 and 9/8 are _____ time signatures.

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Diminished chords contain a _____ third and a diminished fifth above the root.

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Minor chords are made with a minor third and a perfect fifth above the root.

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The instrument Oboe uses the ____ clef.

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The treble clef should curl around the G line.

Questions left
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