The Witcher is Back! Let Us Know Which of These Witcher Monsters You Want To See In The Coming Season

A new season of The Witcher is right around the corner. That means it's time to get acclimated with some of the monsters Geralt is going to be taking down throughout his journey!

Dov Niedzviecki
Created by Dov Niedzviecki
On Sep 12, 2021

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These things are basically giant spider/scorpian hybrids that also happen to have extremely sharp fangs. Never fighting just one, these always roam around in packs and are the exact definition of what a monster is and should be. Kikimoras are 100% something I want to see in the show.


Dopplers are more simply known as shape-shifters. While that might not seem as dangerous as other monsters on this list, the damage they can do is just as terrible. Killing, stealing and commiting crimes all disguised perfectly as another person is nothing to take lightly. Geralt would need all his skills to take down one of these.


Foglets are pretty terryfying. Not only do they look like they've been dead for at least 300 years, but they can disappear in a puff of smoke and reappear right behind you. They also are native to swamps which just means a creepy atmosphere whenever they're around.


Some of the most dangerous monsters to go up against, Fiends look somewhat simliar to the common dear. Antlers is where those simliarites end though. These things are the size of houses and also have a third eye which they use to hypnotize their prey. Pretty fun stuff.


One of the more depressing enemies in the world of The Witcher, a Botchling is a stillborn fetus who had an improper burial. These feed off of pregnant women and their unborn children. Actually, depressing might be an understatment.

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A demonic looking monster with a skull for a head and tree branches for limbs, Leshens live in the forest and have only one purpose, killing. Being able to call on many forest animals to assist them in a fight, Geralt would most definitly have a difficult time taking down this beast.


Very simliar to a dragon, Wyverns are giant flying lizards that have a venemous trident at the end of their tails. I agree, they are just lovely. They basically just fly down, pick up thier prey and bring it back to their nest wherever that may be. It would be very cool to see Geralt fight one of these.

Higher Vampire

Higher Vampires are arguably one of the most dangerous villains Geralt could face off against in the coming season. They look like humans and are extremely intelligent and powerful. This comes along with being immortal.


The body of a lion along with the head and wings of an eagle. I can guarantee Geralt won't be taking any selfies with one if he happens across it.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021