which swiched at birth character are you

Are you more like Bay, Daphne, Catherine Regina, or Melody

Delicia Compton
Created by Delicia Compton (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

What is your favorite hobby?

What is your favorite color?

If there were cops chasing you what would you do?

Would you ever do something illegal?

If you were switched at birth what would your reaction be?

How many times Have you been in trouble with the cop's?

What takes up most of your time?

Choose a picture:

Do you believe in love at first sight?

How is your love life?



Regina Vasquez

Regina Vasquez

Catherine kenish

Catherine kenish

You are a super caring person and you always mean well. You have a vary creative mind and are great at writing stories. Although you have a lot of responsibilities, you try your best to have a good time.

Bay kenish

Bay kenish

You are very artistic and love music. You get angry easily and get into a bit of trouble sometimes, but deep down you are a really good person. You might be a troublemaker but you do have a sofft side.

Daphne Vasquez

Daphne Vasquez

You are a smart individual with a good heart, but you sometimes let your emotions get the best of you. Never the less you love your family and friends and will do anything for them. You are a sweet, caring girl who understands and listens. You love bright colors and you always see the bright side in life.

no result

no result

I'm sorry you are not like any of these characters
Retake the test for better results.

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