What Is The Dark Unconscious Aspect Of The Personality?

What's your Shadow Personality?

Dawn Levy
Created by Dawn Levy (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

You would describe your childhood as

Do you currently have more friends or enemies?

You hate feeling ______

Would you say you are more optimistic or pessimistic?

Sometimes you can be perceived as being

What gives you the greatest pleasure in life?

Most of your relationships are



Your unconscious thinks of your needs first and foremost above others! At the end of the day, you must ultimately do what is right for yourself and no one else!



Your unconscious often looks at others in resentment because you believe they have been granted more than they deserve and more that you've been given!

Deep Anger

Deep Anger

Your unconscious has a lot of built up anger and tension! You can turn on people on a dime and have no problem giving a verbal whipping when you need to!



Your unconscious doesn't seem to care much about anything. You're just so consumed on yourself in the now that you can't begin to care much for anything else!



Your unconscious has desires and urges that are hidden to the outside world! Whether you chose to act or not on these desires, they are still lurking deep within you!

Distrusting of Others

Distrusting of Others

Your unconscious doesn't believe a word of what anyone says simply because you've been let down one too many times! You believe the only person you can truly trust is yourself!

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