This Husky Pup Got A Sibling And He's Living His Worst Life

All siblings will understand this pain

Clark Houston
Created by Clark Houston
On Jul 6, 2016

Remember the day they brought your baby brother home? This Husky is having that day.

The day everything changed for the absolute worst.


Everyone oohs and aaahhs at your new sibling like he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. He's not even that cute. You yawn too. And it's way more adorable than this idiot.

Seriously Mom, when is he leaving?


Ugh and then he tries to cuddle you like you're already best buds, and you're just like...can you not?

What if I bit him? How bad would it be?


Seriously though, can we just take him back to the vet?

He'll do great there! No one will eat him! If he stays, that isn't guaranteed.


God speed Husky. Siblings are a blessing and a curse. You will survive this day. We promise.

Your little brother on the other hand...

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