Guess The Song: The Ride

Catfish & The Bottlemen have released their new album 'The Ride', how well do you know the lyrics? Take the quiz to find out!

Created by CelebMix (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017

‘I must admit, I think I lost my way a bit’

‘In fact that’s a lie - I want you’

‘’Cause when you love the way your livin’, it’s hard to fret about much’

‘And I love you but I need another second to myself’

‘And you feel like your luck needs changing’

‘Cause everything you feel on every night alone is because you need me’

‘I’ll be carrying you over the threshold’

‘She tends to obfuscate when it’s black and white’

‘Dance with her to Lemonworld’

‘You used to smother me in lippy’

Well done! You are a true fan!

Well done! You are a true fan!

Oh no, have another go!

Oh no, have another go!

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On Nov 18, 2021