Guess the Song: Paramore 'After Laughter' Edition

Take this quiz to determine how well you know the lyrics to the songs on Paramore's 5th album; 'After Laughter'.

Created by CelebMix (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On May 13, 2017
1 / 12

"Stop asking why/ Why we had to waste so much time"

2 / 12

"At least I try/ To keep my cool when I'm thrown into a fire"

3 / 12

"You hit me with lightning / Maybe I'll come alive"

4 / 12

"Every word is a bullet hole/Shot a hole in the sun"

5 / 12

"What little light that's left, we need to keep it scared"

6 / 12

"A touch of orange over purgatory gray"

7 / 12

"Just let me cry a little bit longer"

8 / 12

"Why get used to something new/ 'Cause no one breaks my heart like you"

9 / 12

"I bet everybody here/ Is just as insincere"

10 / 12

"And they say that dreaming is free/ But I wouldn't care what it cost me"

11 / 12

"I don't need no help/ I can sabotage me by myself"

12 / 12

"You know I've got my own convictions/ And they're stronger than any addiction"

Questions left
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