Which 'Pitch Perfect' Character Are You?

Hilarious and memorable, Pitch Perfect isn't a movie to forget. But which character are you?

Created by asdfghjkl (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 28, 2015

What are your talents?

What do you consider your best quality?

What is your worst quality?

What are your hobbies?

What do you hate?

Who do you think you are most like?

This is the last question! How do you feel?

Beca Mitchell

Beca Mitchell

You're Beca Mitchell! You know what you're doing, ALWAYS. You don't always make the best decisions, but you always find your way out of things, and love to have a good laugh about it later. You love proving people wrong and doing what you want to and you won't let anyone get in your way. Your friends mean everything to you.

Chloe Beale

Chloe Beale

You're Chloe Beale! You're the most kindhearted and forgiving of the group. Because of this, sometimes you get pushed around and told what to do, but you don't let it get to you. Deep down you know you're the coolest :)

Fat Amy

Fat Amy

You're FAT AMY! You're the loudest, the most eccentric, the most hilarious of the Barden Bellas. Sure you can be quite dramatic and attention seeking at times, but your confidence and personality makes no one quite like you!

Aubrey Posen

Aubrey Posen

You're Aubrey Posen! You're the leader of the group. Sure, you can be quite bossy and obnoxious at times, but you always mean well and love to prove people wrong. Nobody bosses you around. You go girl!

Stacie Conrad

Stacie Conrad

Wow, okay. You're Stacie Conrad! You're the flirt. Nobody knows much about you, except that you are very sexually driven.

Jesse Swanson

Jesse Swanson

You're Jesse Swanson! You may be on the enemy side, but everyone loves you. You're tons of fun and you have a kind heart.

Benji Applebaum

Benji Applebaum

You're Benji Applebaum! You're the nerdy geeky type, but you don't think you're that weird. But others do. You're kind of a wannabe, but you're kind at heart and always mean well.

Bumper Allen

Bumper Allen

You're Bumper Allen! You're, well... kind of a jerk. Pretty much everyone hates you. Get it together.

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