What Type of Spiritual Energy Do You Possess?

Everyone has a spiritual energetic signature. What type of energy do you possess?

Carly Wallace
Created by Carly Wallace
On Apr 1, 2023
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Whether you meditate or not, you have a spiritual essence that can be described energetically. We all have different signatures and express them in unique ways. This quiz will tell you what your specific spiritual energy is and what it could mean for your expression and life! Let's see what your spiritual energy signature is...

Which crystal draws you in most?

What is your greatest value in life?

Which color are you attracted to most?

What are you attracted to most in life?

What personality trait is your strongest?

How would you help others?

What animal would represent your spirit?

What color would your aura be?

Who do you think you were in your past life?

Which star do you resonate with most?

You have intuitive spiritual energy!

You have intuitive spiritual energy!

You have the ability to perceive and give insight into things that people would normally not think about. You have a sharp mind and you can tell things about someone that later may become true. Trust your instincts!

You have heart-focused spiritual energy!

You have heart-focused spiritual energy!

You have the essence of being generous, friendly, and connected to others. You may have a cause that you're devoted to and you care deeply about humanity, animals, and the world.

You have grounding spiritual energy!

You have grounding spiritual energy!

You have naturally grounded energy and you help people get in touch with the Earth. You are very independent, you may travel a lot by yourself and consider yourself sort of a nomad. People may say that you're so natural, easygoing, and easy to connect with.

If you could choose just one, which healing ability would you have?

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