Can You Guess What Is Happening In These Incredibly Radom 70's Stock Images?

No, seriously. We have questions.

Brad Majors
Created by Brad Majors
On Jun 13, 2016

The Seventies. The era of the mustache, disco, and flares. Also, of incredibly random stock images.

"I took these pills, now I have this hair!"


It seems that in the Seventies, this man had far to much homework to do.

We feel your pain, buddy.


It was era of information; an era of invisible ink. An era of very questionable tie choices.

I think he's caught a fly or something..


Women carried bowling balls to protect themselves from jeans that were to flared.

It was truly an epidemic.


Benjamin Franklin was still alive, and made sure we all stayed on budget.

He looked great, for two hundred!


Santa Claus took his school photo, he even combed his beard!

You know it's a special occasion when the beard comb comes out!


In short; the Seventies. What, exactly, was going on?

check out more hilarious stock seventies pics here!

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