4 Weird Animal Defenses

While every animal is somehow equipped to protect itself from danger as it finds food or guards its territory, some species have evolved unique—and even wacky—weapons that help make them extra fearsome killers.

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On Jun 9, 2016

Spanish Ribbed Newt

When attacked, the Spanish ribbed newt shifts its ribs forward at an angle and pushes them through its stretched skin. The result? A row of spikes on both sides of its body that act like poisonous barbs.


Electric Eel

With electric organs running along the length of its body, these sneaky swimmers can stun unsuspecting prey with a volt that's strong enough to knock a horse off its feet.


Secretary Bird

This giant bird uses its long powerful legs and big feet to stomp its prey, like lizards, frogs, and snakes. It delivers a bone-crushing blow with each mighty step.



When threatened, these rare mammals curl into a super tight ball, with their scale-covered skin serving as a nearly impenetrable coat of armor. They also scare away enemies by lashing their spiky-edged tail.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021