Are You a Realist or a Visionary?

Are you more inspiring and creative or logical and truthful in your approach?

Blue Halo
Created by Blue Halo (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Oct 28, 2019
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Are you more down to earth or head in the clouds?

When listening to motivational speeches, you often feel...

Which traits represent you best?

Are you more logical or creative?

Which is or more important, money or fame?



You accept situations as they are and you are prepared to deal with them accordingly. Realists are more likely to be truthful, acceptant of seeing life the way it is, and matter of fact in their approach.



You think about the future with imagination and wisdom. Visionaries are more likely to come up with creative and wild ideas that inspire others to believe in their dreams.

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