This Color-IQ Test Will Reveal Your Personality and Level of Education

We gave this test to 2,500 American adults. Join the survey.

Andrew Campbell
Created by Andrew Campbell
On Aug 19, 2022

Did you know the color-IQ can actually reveal quite a lot about your mental state and personality. Furthermore, it can accurately determine your actual level of education.

Take this quiz to find out more.

What color do SLIP, ELEPHANTS, and COLLAR have in common?

What color do COLLAR, BLOOD, and TRUE have in common?

What color do FLAG, EYE, and GRAVY have in common?

Which color ink do you like to use the most?

Google's logo features red, green, yellow, and blue. What color is the G?

Which color did you notice first?

Look at this picture and try to remember it!

What was the color of this inkblot?

High School Graduate

High School Graduate

Based on your Color IQ, you are a high school graduate. You are friendly, creative, and ambitious; and you have a need to be recognized and influential. Your 3 most dominant traits are: agreeable, adventurous, and charismatic. Are we spot-on? Let us know in a comment below.

College Graduate

College Graduate

Based on your Color IQ, you are a college graduate. You have strong work ethics; you strive for perfection; and you are able to clearly communicate your goals and ideas. Your 3 most dominant traits are: gracious, honest, and sociable. Are we spot-on? Let us know in a comment below.



Based on your Color IQ, you have a Master’s degree. You are calm, imaginative, and adaptable. If you believe in something, you can achieve it through hard work and perseverance. Your 3 most dominant traits are: purposeful, well-rounded, and romantic. Are we spot-on? Let us know in a comment below.



Based on your Color IQ, you have a PhD. You are not afraid to ask substantial questions; you can work with minimum supervision; and you always follow through. Your 3 most dominant traits are: reflective, reliable, and introverted. Are we spot-on? Let us know in a comment below.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021