What Would Your Animagus Form Be?

Take this personality quiz and find out what your animal form would be if you were an animagus!

Amy Hogan
Created by Amy Hogan (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

What is your favorite pass time?

Which do you prefer?

Someone tells you a secret. What do you do?

How often do you travel?

Which would you rather have?

When you set a goal for yourself do you usually reach it?

Choose a film genre.

You have a bad experience with a company/organization. The staff treated you horribly and you lost money because of a mistake they made. What do you do?



You keep things to yourself and are an excellent secret keeper. Others can trust you to not repeat their secrets to others, making you a great listener and an attentive friend. You usually lay low, but have a temper when provoked.



You are very sensitive and easily offended because of this. Your shy nature leads to misunderstandings in social situations. You prefer to be alone with your own thoughts. You're a creative type with a passion for writing, music, or art.



Horses, especially wild horses, represent freedom. You are a free spirit who wants to see the world (preferably at a fast pace) and you take joy in every moment that you are alive and doing what you love.



Otters are joyful creatures that aren't afraid to take a break and just have fun. You are always optimistic and smiling. You're playful and quick with a joke and your easygoing ways make you a great companion for a road trip or just a night on the town.



You have great ambition and usually reach your goals. You're shrewd and know how to communicate a confidence that often gets you what you want. You work hard and aim high, using intellect and cunning to get to your end goal.



Fiercely loyal, you are the one that everyone calls when they need a shoulder to lean on. Friends and family come first above anything else. You're protective of those you care about and share deep bonds with the people in your life.

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