What's Your Party Personality?

Everyone has their alter ego when it comes to parties and celebrations. Some prefer to sit idly by and people watch, while others flit around like a true blue social butterfly and make themselves known to the entire room. We take a stab at trying to figure out which social type you fit into based on your celebratory reflexes!

Created by foodpanda_global (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 16, 2017

At a party where you don’t know anyone else except the host, what’s the first thing you do?

What’s your choice of beverage at a house party?

Which local festive celebration do you most look forward to?

It’s your best friend’s birthday; how would you go about celebrating it?

You’re the best man/maid-of-honour at your BFF’s wedding, and he/she is having a case of cold feet moments away from the ceremony. How would you best handle the situation?

You got yourself way too drunk at the club. What’s the most likely scenario at the end of the night?

What is the one type of dessert that every house party must have?

You’re invited to a potluck. What are you most likely to bring?

Very reserved and shy

Very reserved and shy

You are most comfortable when as little attention is drawn to you as possible, so low key is your main game.

Willing to socialise but still display appropriate decorum when necessary

Willing to socialise but still display appropriate decorum when necessary

For most part, you prefer to act proper and calm. But there are times that call for the more spontaneous side of you to come out and shine!

Just waiting to unleash the beast within

Just waiting to unleash the beast within

The wild side of you only comes out most likely when you’ve had a few. Or perhaps when the occasion calls for a supporting role of cray-cray!

Crazily outgoing

Crazily outgoing

There’s no stopping you once you’ve arrived to the party! If the life has ceased to exist in the room, you’ll find a way to pump it up again.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021