Which Once Upon A Time Character Are You?

Regina Mills, Captain Hook, Mr. Gold, Emma Swan, Henry or Mary Margaret

Alessandra Hollyfield
Created by Alessandra Hollyfield (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 9, 2017

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If you could choose would you be bad or good?

Regina Mills

Regina Mills

Regina George is the evil queen. Just because you got her doesn't mean that you are evil (maybe you are), but she had a kind part of her. The part that adopted Henry and took care of him for all of these years. You are confident and bold and you don't back down. You keep your promises and family comes first. You try to be good but sometimes evil creeps back in. All in all, you are a good person but your cover is evil, but you can never judge a book by its cover now can you. :)

Captain Hook

Captain Hook

Much like Regina, you have a very bad reputation, but you are really not as bad. You start fighting for good once you meet Emma, the love of your life. Your heart turns pure again and you make the most of your time with her. You are confident and bold and not afraid to speak your mind. It is not easy for you to find someone who can find the key to your heart but there is someone. You make sure you spend time with the people you love even if you are afraid to show that you love them. :)

Mr. Gold

Mr. Gold

You have an extremely bad reputation as the dark one. The only thing keeping your heart from turning fully black and you dying is knowing that your son is out there somewhere and you will find him someday, somehow. You are powerful and the mood you are in can change the mood in a room. You are bold and confident, but you sometimes break your promises. You love your family and they mean everything to you and you cannot go without them. :)

Emma Swan

Emma Swan

You are a confident, bold, strong person. You make decisions and stick with them until you are proven wrong. You love your family more than anything in the world. You are very hard to please when it comes to love life. You will find someone though. You keep pushing until you get what you want and you never back down. You will always accept a challenge unless it involves a threat to your family.



You are a believer. You believe in everyone: good or bad. You make sure they believe in themselves and you cheer them on when they do. When you believe in something, you don't back down even when people tell you it is wrong: even when the universe tells you to stop and back down, you keep going. You won't stop till you get your way.

Mary Margaret

Mary Margaret

You are an incredibly kind hearted person. You love everyone and you really love animals. If you had to choose between a low paying job with animals and a high paying job with humans you would choose being with animals. You love your family and you would do anything to protect them, even send them away. You are a very bold person and you don't back down. :)

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